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STMicroelectronics is a global independent semiconductor company and a leader in developing and delivering semiconductor solutions across the spectrum of microelectronics applications. An unrivaled combination of silicon and system expertise, manufacturing strength, Intellectual Property (IP) portfolio, and strategic partners positions, STMicroelectronics is at the forefront of System-on-Chip (SoC) technology and its products play a key role in enabling today's convergence trends.



  • STM32F103ZDH6

    Mfr. #:STM32F103ZDH6
    Description:ARM Microcontrollers - MCU 32BIT Cortex M3 384Kb Flash MCU

    5 $ 10.95
  • STM32F105RBT6

    Mfr. #:STM32F105RBT6
    Description:ARM Microcontrollers - MCU 32BIT Cortex 64/25 CONNECTIVITY LINE M3

    3 $ 7.58

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