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Wi-Fi Jammer : Specifications, Circuit, Working, Differences, Interface with Arduino & Its Applications

SHENGYAO    Wi-Fi Jammer : Specifications, Circuit, Working, Differences, Interface with Arduino & Its Applications

In wireless communication, signal jammers play a key role in interrupting the signal connection between a wireless device & its access point. Once jamming is enabled, then the devices within that region are unable to access the internet service. On a wireless network, there are different devices that transmit and receive data at a particular frequency through data packets. So signal jammer sends noise to interrupt the frequency band where different wireless devices work. Signal jammers are portable and hand-held devices that avoid wireless communications within a radius of fifteen meters. These jammers are fairly cheap and interrupt communication on specific frequencies, so mainly used for security & personal privacy reasons. There are different jammers available in the market for different purposes like mobile jammers, wifi jammers, etc. So this article discusses an overview of a Wi-Fi jammer – working and its applications.


What is a Wi-Fi Jammer?

A WiFi jammer is a wireless device that is used to interrupt the wireless network operation normally by simply transmitting a strong signal at the same frequency as the WiFi network. This can prevent legitimate devices from connecting to the network or cause existing connections to be unstable or slow. The WiFi jammer range mainly depends on different factors like the type of jammer type, frequency & the power of the signal. So a jammer will normally cover a 30-meter diameter from the source point.

Wi-Fi Jammer
Wi-Fi Jammer


The specifications of WiFi jammer are given below which varies based on the manufacturer.

  • Internal modulation used is FM Hopping frequency
  • Its power supply is 12VDC.
  • The source of the signal is DDS & PLL synthesized.
  • It uses Li-Polymer Battery.
  • Antenna is omnidirectional
  • It includes 1 or two modules for each unit.
  • Remote control through SNMP-controlled parameters:
  • Air interface standards are – Bluetooth and wifi.
  • It has 260mm x 10mm x 39mm dimensions.
  • It has a waterproof design
  • Its weight is 0.8Kg approximately.
  • Output power is EIRP 8W
  • Its operating temperature ranges from -20ºC – +65ºC.
  • The interface standard used is 802.11 a/b/g
  • Its humidity ranges from 5% – 80%

How Wifi Jammer Works?

Wi-Fi jammers work by creating a frequency to block connections of Wi-Fi & disable different devices which are connected to different networks like 3G, 4G, cordless Wi-Fi, or GPRS networks. These signal jammers are mainly designed for helping people in solving different problems occurring from cell phones, wifi networks, etc. Every signal jammer works with a certain range of frequency. Similarly, wifi jammer works with a frequency range from 2. 4 GHz to 2. 5 GHz to block WiFi signals very effectively. These jammers are mostly preferred by different network companies which deal with very sensitive data for avoiding leaks.

How to Detect Wifi Jammer?

WiFi jammers can be detected by attempting different methods like scanning the app of WiFi, physical inspection, spectrum analyzer, reviewing WAP logs, etc. Once a WiFi jammer is detected then various techniques can be used for reducing its effects like as changing the frequency/channel of a wireless network using a directional antenna, signal blocking device, WIPS, and also by contacting law enforcement if these jammers cause significant disturbance to the wireless network.

How to Make a WiFi Jammer?

Here, how to make a Wi-Fi jammer using an ESP8266 is discussed below. The main intention of this jammer is; first, scans for different WiFi devices, block preferred connections, make a number of networks & mystify WiFi scanners. Actually, this jammer is used to show a Wi-Fi bug to demonstrate how susceptible your Wi-Fi network routers or hotspots are. This DIY Wi-Fi jammer is very small and portable and it can be powered with your power bank. This Wi-Fi jammer jams the signals by performing deauth attack. So without knowing the Wi-Fi password of anyone, you can be a Wi-Fi hacker with a tiny esp8266 board only.

Wi-Fi Jammer Circuit
Wi-Fi Jammer Circuit

Step1: Components

The required components to make this jammer are; ESP8266-1 from DFRobot FireBeetle, LiPo Battery-1 or power bank, PCB, and Arduino code.

Step2: Need to Download Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE can be downloaded and set up freely from Arduino. cc website.
First, need to Install the Arduino IDE & open it.
After that Go to File Option –> Preferences.
Need to add esp8266 packages to the extra board’s manager URLs.
Next open Tools –> Board –> Boards Manager
Search for esp8266 after that install the board.
Lastly, IDE needs to restart.

Step3: Module Coding

Need to download the repository (Release Version 1.5) from GitHub.
Take out the downloaded folder & find the way to the following path for opening the file within Arduino IDE.
Open Tools –> Board and choose the suitable board that you are utilizing.
Open Tools –> Port –> and choose the right comm. port.
Click the upload button.
Once the tab alerts that uploading is done then the device is ready to use.

Step 4: Connect the Module

Now module needs to be connected through a power supply with a micro USB connector or a battery.
Once this module is connected to a WiFi with the name of “pwned” then you have to connect to this WiFi network using a phone/laptop & enter the secret word as “deauther”.

Once it is connected to the device, then open a browser & navigate to the IP address Because this is the main website from wherever you can control all

At last, choose the WiFi connection you wish to attack.

Move above the attack tab & choose the attack type you wish to carry out and finally the device works as expected.

Wifi Jammer Vs Wifi Deauther

The difference between Wi-Fi Jammer and Wi-Fi Deauther are discussed below.

Wifi Jammer

Wifi Deauther

A wifi jammer transmits a predefined signal within precise bandwidths to interrupt any Wi-Fi communications. Deautheris used to disconnect all the connected devices to a network forcibly.
A wifi Jammer transmits noise signals to the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi spectrum for disturbing the original frequency spectrum of Wi-Fi. A Deauther transmits packets for interfacing with your Wi-Fi signals for interrupting the normal Wi-Fi router working
This jamming simply affects each wireless communication device with a precise frequency range. Deauthing is a rejection of service attacks, so it affects only targeted WiFi devices.
Wifi Jamming is indiscriminate. Deauther is targeted.
It is usually detectable. It is usually undetectable.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of Wi-Fi jammer include the following.

  • Wi-Fi jammer provides safety to sensitive data being sent or received through wireless systems.
  • This device is very useful in blocking Wi-Fi signals from passing through a parent source.
  • Wi-Fi jammer helps in protecting your personal information from third-party interference & also decreases the risks of data loss in current technologies.
  • It helps in reducing the possibility of any attacks/ hacks by intruders.
  • These jammers reduce the threat of fraud & identity breaches within public places.
  • These jammers are opposed to collisions, so no need for collision avoidance to transmit these signals.
  • WiFi jammer signals can be traveled for long distances.
  • It is feasible to transmit shot-length jam signals. So these signals save much time that is wasted within normal operations.

The disadvantages of Wi-Fi jammers include the following.

  • The jam signal length must be considered cautiously for single & parallel transmissions
  • For the jam signals various usage scenarios are necessary for various levels of energy.
  • If these are used without getting authorization from authorities then a fine will be charged
  • These devices will create severe security risks to public security communications & they can avoid people calling from emergency numbers.
  • These devices change the communications of law enforcement.

Wi-Fi Jammer Applications

The applications of Wi-Fi jammer include the following.

  • WiFi jammers are used in movie theaters & libraries to maintain a quiet atmosphere, avoid cheating & enhance security.
  • These jammers block Wi-Fi connections & disable devices by creating a frequency from connecting Wi-Fi networks.
  • Wireless jammers intentionally jam authorized Wi-Fi signals by simply radiating very strong radio energy with the same frequencies.
  • It is used to avoid illegal communication between inmates & visitors.
  • It is a functional & practical device that simply lets you block the traffic of the Internet.
  • A Wi-Fi jammer device interferes with the wireless signals utilized through a WiFi network. So these jammers prevent different users from connecting to a network.

Thus, this is an overview of a WiFi jammer–making, working with applications. Jamming equipment is banned in federal law when it interfaces through personal communication services, cellular, GPS, police radar, etc. For mobile network jammers within the system is not possible in many cases to detect because operators may get experienced poor reception. So first you have to check the network very carefully to notice them. It transmits various strengths of signals for confusing the receptors and also makes to respond in unexpected ways.

2023/10/27 15:15
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